Polaris is a front-end web framework for creating responsive UI components, with a focus on simplicity ... ( Read More )


The best way to use Polaris is to install it via npm:

npm install polaris-core

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Another way to get started with Polaris is by downloading it.

This way you can directly import Polaris CSS & JS libraries into your website.

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To use Polaris framework in production you don't need to use any other packages or libraries.

However, to use it in a development environment, it depends on several packages.

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Why Polaris?

Polaris uses a simple but robust naming system.

Polaris framework is fully customizable.

Polaris has a native support for RTL languages.

All components in Polaris support dark & light.

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Polaris framework is free and open-source with MIT Licence. Use it with confidence for any personal or commercial purpose you want.

The MIT License is a permissive free software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1980s.

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Plugin Base

Polaris framework is divided in two parts: Core, and Plugins.

Polaris Core consists of generic components that almost every web application needs.

Polaris Plugins consists of extra features and specefic components for specefic web apps.

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If you want to use Polaris in both production and development, the best way is by customizing and bundling it with your existing libraries.

Normally, it is a complicated process and needs a high level of experience. However, with Polaris you can do it simply by using a couple of built-in CLI commands.

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